Common Skin Concerns: Scars

Types Of Scars

Acne Scars

Acne scars are permanent changes and marks / indentations that occur on the skin from cases of severe acne.

With severe acne, large pus-filled spaces are formed known as cysts. These cysts destroy skin tissue which is not replaced during the healing process. When the cyst eventually empties and the area heals, it usually leaves behind an indentation (or scar) on the face or other areas such as chest and back.

How to identify Acne scars:

Ice pick scars are a common type of acne scarring. This type of scarring in characterised by deep pits that are usually less than 2mm across. They extend into the skin, giving the surface appearance of having been punctured by an ice pick.

Boxcar scars are also a common type of acne scarring. They are angular scars with sharp vertical edges and resemble the scars left by Chicken Pox. Boxcar scars may be shallow or deep and are most often found on the cheeks and temples.

Rolling scars are caused by damage under the surface of the skin and give the skin a wave-like appearance. They tend to be wide and shallow.

Hypertrophic scars are raised and lumpy. They tend to appear more commonly on the back and chest, but can also appear on the neck and face. They are often the result of more severe acne lesions, such as cysts or nodules. Hypertrophic scars generally stay within the boundary of the original wound and may decrease in size as time goes on. Keloid Scars (a type of hypertrophic scarring), on the other hand, may scar beyond the original wound site.

Keloid Scars

Whenever the skin is damaged, there is a possibility of scarring. Fibrous tissue called scar tissue can form over the wound as a way to repair and protect it. Sometimes extra scar tissue grows, forming smooth and hard growths called keloids. They can be larger than the original wound and can affect any part of the body and can be itchy.

Hypertrophic Scars

A hypertrophic scar is when there is an excessive amount of collagen which appears raised, but not to the same degree as a Keloid scar. Similar to Keloids, they commonly form at the sites of pimples, body piercings, cuts and burns. They often contain nerves and blood vessels.


Contractures are when a muscle or other tissue that has become permanently shorter causing a body part, especially a joint, to be the wrong shape, or the process in which this happens.

They mostly result from burn injuries and often very painful.

Treatment for Scars


Acnelan® acne treatment

A cutting edge treatment that deep cleans the dermis to restore skin to optimal texture, tone and hydration. Results are achieved through a combination of in-clinic and at-home treatments.

saggy skin or loose skin treatment

RF Microneedling

Microneedling is based on your skin’s natural ability to repair itself whenever there is physical damage, such as cuts, burns and other abrasions.

folliculitis product environ

Environ Skin Care

Environ uses a range of effective and proven vitamins and peptides to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful for a lifetime.

enlarged pores products


A revolutionary cosmeceutical skin care, derived from over a decade of research in globally recognized stem cell technology enhanced with a patented protein mix derived from stem cells from the umbilical cord.


Mesoestetic was born from years of research and supported by proven results, from the most demanding skincare experts.

Here at BEAUTILASE we believe that inner health reflects outer beauty. We can also offer expert advice on Nutritional Supplement for your individual needs.

Please give us a call for a consultation and your personalised treatment plan.

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