Mesoestetic Dermamelan Intimate Gel Cream (Home Maintenance)
Skin hyperpigmentation is a constantly progressing process. Melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment, produce a localised excess of melanin that causes visible spots. To complete the corrective action of dermamelan intimate applied by the professional, it is important to continue the home application regimen to ensure a greater depigmenting efficacy and obtain more powerful and longer-lasting results.
home depigmenting gel cream is a home depigmenting treatment that maintains hyperpigmentation of the genital-perianal, inner thighs and groin area under control.
once a day, evening.
Forty-eight hours after the end of the protocol at the clinic, apply one or two pulses of dermamelan® intimate home depigmenting gel cream to cover completely and evenly the area to be treated.
It is recommended to protect the intimate area using a panty-liner.
Duration of application to be established by the doctor.